• Mesures de longueur: les unités

    Mesures de longueur

    L'unité principale est le mètre:

    Un mètre, correspond à la règle du tableau:



    On utilise des unités supérieures au mètre  en le multipliant:

    ce sont les multiples du mètre:


    Le décamètre:

    1 mètre multiplié par 10 = 10 mètres, c'est à dire un décamètre.

    Le préfixe "déca" signifie "dix".

    Mesures de longueur

    Un décamètre correspond à un petit immeuble avec un rez-de-chaussée et 2 étages.


    1 mètre multiplié par 100= 100 mètres, c'est à dire un hectomètre

    Le préfixe "hecto" signifie "100".


    Mesures de longueur

     Un hectomètre (100 m) correspond à la longueur de la place Stanislas à Nancy.


    Le kilomètre:

    1 mètre multiplié par 1000= 1000 mètres, c'est à dire un kilomètre

    Le préfixe "kilo" signifie "1000".

    Un kilomètre (1000 m) correspond presque à la longueur de la rue Sainte Catherine et  de la rue Stanislas à Nancy.

    Mesures de longueur

     Retrouve les multiples du mètre dans ce fichier Google Earth:

    Mesures de longueur


    On utilise des unités inférieures au mètre  en le divisant:

    ce sont les sous-multiples du mètre:

    le décimètre:

     Mesures de longueur

    Mesures de longueur


    Le préfixe "déci" signifie "dixième".


    le centimètre

    Mesures de longueur

    Mesures de longueur

    Le préfixe "centi" signifie "centième".


    Le millimètre:

    Mesures de longueur

    Mesures de longueur

     Le préfixe "milli" signifie "millième".

  • Commentaires

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    The advantages talked about in this online forum string highlight the vital function that essay composing solutions play in helping students throughout their scholastic journey. As a person that has used these solutions, I can directly vouch for their substantial influence on my academic accomplishments. https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/c10284a0-edef-5533-9d88-b3760afda67d?focus_on_render=true I reverberate deeply with the emphasis put on skilled support, quality assurance, and efficient time monitoring. Having accessibility to experienced authors who use customized advice has substantially boosted the quality of my essays and deepened my understanding of difficult subjects. Additionally, the guarantee of creativity and adherence to academic standards has actually instilled confidence in me, knowing that my job is genuine and qualified. Furthermore, the prompt delivery of essays has enabled me to stay arranged with my assignments and reduce last-minute stress. Finally, I wholeheartedly agree with the views expressed in this discussion forum thread. Essay writing solutions are important sources for students pursuing scholastic quality, and I am grateful for the advantages they have actually provided in aiding me reach my educational objectives.
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    Mardi 19 Mars à 04:02
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    Samedi 16 Mars à 23:49
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    Vendredi 23 Février à 12:03
    What Makes a Great Essay Writing Service? Before diving into our expedition of EssayPro, it's critical to recognize the criteria that make an essay writing service stand apart from the rest: High quality of Work: A excellent essay writing service must continually provide high-quality, well-researched, and error-free material. Prompt Delivery: Meeting due dates is important for pupils, so a dependable service ought to make sure that jobs are provided promptly. Professional Writers: The company should utilize skilled and qualified writers efficient in taking care of a variety of topics and subjects. Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: Originality is vital. A reputable service needs to give plagiarism-free papers, backed by plagiarism checks. Budget Friendly Pricing: Services should provide fair and transparent prices, making their help available to students. Consumer Support: Responsive and handy customer assistance is important to attend to any type of queries or worries promptly.
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    Mercredi 21 Février à 01:21
    The electronic age has actually introduced a standard shift in the way people and companies approach the creation of written content, thanks to the spreading of paper and essay writing solutions. While these solutions supply indisputable benefits, they likewise increase important ethical worries. This article aims to study the ethical dimensions of paper and essay writing solutions, checking out both their useful benefits and moral factors to consider. https://soundcloud.com/writepapers Comprehending Paper and Essay Writing Services Paper and essay writing services have emerged as best solutions for those seeking support in creating composed material. These solutions flaunt a swimming pool of efficient writers with proficiency throughout numerous subjects and self-controls. Clients can commission custom-made essays, research documents, theses, and a lot more, tailored to their particular needs and deadlines. The allure of contracting out writing jobs depends on the promise of premium, well-researched content delivered promptly. Discovering the Advantages: Time Efficiency: Outsourcing writing tasks conserves useful time for individuals with active schedules or several dedications. Quality Control: Reputable services ensure the production of premium, original material crafted by experienced writers. Access to Expertise: Clients take advantage of accessibility to specialized knowledge and understandings, boosting the deepness and accuracy of their composed job. Inspecting the Ethical Concerns: Academic Integrity: The usage of creating services raises questions regarding the credibility of sent work and concessions scholastic integrity. Risk of Dependency: Overreliance on writing solutions might impede the development of essential skills such as essential reasoning and research. Plagiarism Risks: Despite assurances of originality, there is a possible risk of unintended plagiarism if proper citation and referencing protocols are not complied with.
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    Vendredi 16 Février à 23:18
    Serotonin Centers in Windermere, FL: Elevating Your Well-being Amidst Serenity In the picturesque city of Windermere, Serotonin Centers stands as a beacon of well-being and rejuvenation. Serving neighborhoods like Ashlin Park and Berkshire Park, the medical spa has become an integral part of Windermere's thriving community. Windermere, founded in 1887, is a city characterized by tranquility, with 1,231 households and a population of 3,003 as of 2021. Nestled along FL-429, the city has embraced modernity while preserving its natural allure, offering a unique blend of sophistication and serene landscapes. Ensuring the vitality of your well-being, Serotonin Centers addresses the specific needs of Windermere residents with its range of medical spa services. From Ashlin Park to Berkshire Park, the neighborhoods benefit from personalized care that enhances the overall wellness of the community. In Windermere, repairs to the body and mind are as essential as maintaining a residence. The city's diverse climate, with temperatures varying throughout the year, underscores the importance of accessible and quality medical spa services provided by Serotonin Centers. Discover Windermere's cultural richness by exploring the 7D Motion Theater Ride at ICON Park or paying respects at the 9/11 Memorial. Serotonin Centers, with its commitment to well-being, aligns seamlessly with Windermere's emphasis on a balanced and fulfilled lifestyle. Choosing Serotonin Centers in Windermere is a decision to prioritize self-care in a city that cherishes its residents' holistic wellness. Embrace the serenity and sophistication of Windermere, and let Serotonin Centers guide you on a journey to elevate your well-being. " "Serotonin Centers Embraces Wellness in Colts Neck, NJ: A Haven for Holistic Living Nestled in the heart of Colts Neck, Serotonin Centers is more than a medical spa; it's a haven for holistic living. Serving neighborhoods like Beacon Hill and Belford, the center has become an integral part of Colts Neck's thriving community. Colts Neck, founded in 1847, is a city characterized by its close-knit community, boasting 3,523 households and a population of 3,003 as of 2021. Connected by Route 34, the city preserves its historical charm while welcoming modernity, offering residents a unique blend of tranquility and vibrant living. In a community where well-being is paramount, Serotonin Centers addresses the specific needs of Colts Neck residents with its range of medical spa services. From Beacon Hill to Belford, the neighborhoods benefit from personalized care that enhances the overall wellness of the community. Colts Neck, known for its historical landmarks like the Allen House and Allgor-Barkalow Homestead Museum, appreciates the significance of holistic well-being. Serotonin Centers seamlessly aligns with Colts Neck's commitment to a balanced and fulfilled lifestyle. When it comes to repairs, Colts Neck residents prioritize both their homes and personal well-being. The city's diverse climate, with varying temperatures throughout the year, underscores the importance of accessible and quality medical spa services provided by Serotonin Centers. Choosing Serotonin Centers in Colts Neck is choosing a path to holistic living in a city that treasures the overall well-being of its residents. Embrace the tranquility and historical charm of Colts Neck, and let Serotonin Centers guide you on a journey to elevate your well-being. " "Discovering Serenity in Windermere, FL with Serotonin Centers Welcome to Windermere, FL, where tranquility meets modern living, and Serotonin Centers stands as a beacon of wellness at 7790 Winter Garden Vineland Rd Suite 100. Serving the communities of Ashlin Park, Berkshire Park, and beyond, this medical spa has become an essential part of Windermere's well-being landscape. Founded in 1887, Windermere boasts a population of 3,003 residents and 1, 231 households as of 2021. The city, connected by FL-429, provides a picturesque setting for those seeking a balance of nature and urban conveniences. Serotonin Centers understands the unique needs of Windermere residents, offering tailored services to neighborhoods like Casabella at Windermere and Clear Lake. The medical spa thrives in a city that values community and individual well-being, aligning seamlessly with Windermere's commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Windermere is not just a city; it's an experience. As residents enjoy points of interest like Central Florida Railroad Museum and Eagle Nest Park, Serotonin Centers enhances their journey by providing comprehensive medical spa services. The city's diverse climate, with temperatures varying throughout the year, underscores the importance of accessible wellness services. When it comes to choosing a medical spa in Windermere, Serotonin Centers emerges as the top choice. With a prime location on FL-429 and a commitment to holistic well-being, the center enriches the lives of Windermere residents, ensuring they embrace life's every moment with vitality and serenity. " "Embracing Serenity in Colts Neck, NJ with Serotonin Centers Step into the serene embrace of Colts Neck, NJ, where Serotonin Centers stands as a beacon of well-being at 178 County Rd 537. Serving the tight-knit communities of 5 Point Park, Beacon Hill, and beyond, this medical spa has become an essential part of Colts Neck's wellness landscape. Established in 1847, Colts Neck exudes a charm that captivates its 3,003 residents residing in 3,523 households as of 2021. The city, gracefully connected by Route 34, offers a blend of historical richness and modern comfort, creating an idyllic backdrop for holistic health. Serotonin Centers understands the unique needs of Colts Neck residents, offering tailored services to neighborhoods like Belford and Bucks Mill. The medical spa seamlessly integrates with the city's commitment to a healthy lifestyle, contributing to the overall well-being of Colts Neck's vibrant community. Colts Neck is not just a city; it's a journey through time and nature. As residents explore points of interest like Amazing Escape Room Freehold and Big Brook Nature Preserve, Serotonin Centers enriches their journey by providing comprehensive medical spa services. The city's diverse climate, with temperatures varying throughout the year, underscores the importance of accessible wellness services. Choosing a medical spa in Colts Neck becomes an easy decision with Serotonin Centers. Nestled conveniently along Route 34 and dedicated to holistic well-being, the center becomes an indispensable partner in Colts Neck residents' pursuit of a balanced and fulfilled life. " "Rejuvenation Oasis: Serotonin Centers in Windermere, FL In the heart of Windermere, FL, where nature and luxury converge, Serotonin Centers at 7790 Winter Garden Vineland Rd Suite 100 beckons residents to embark on a journey of rejuvenation. This medical spa, nestled in the vibrant neighborhoods of Ashlin Park and Berkshire Park, serves as a sanctuary for those seeking optimal well-being. Founded in 1887, Windermere has grown into a close-knit community with 1,231 households and a population of 3,003 as of 2021. Connected by the bustling FL-429, this city offers a unique blend of natural beauty and modern conveniences, providing the perfect backdrop for Serotonin Centers' holistic health services. Understanding the distinct needs of Windermere residents, Serotonin Centers extends its services to neighborhoods like Carver Shores and Coytown. The medical spa seamlessly integrates into the fabric of Windermere, contributing to the overall health and happiness of its residents. Windermere, with its diverse climate and proximity to major attractions like Downtown Winter Garden and Fantasyland, creates an environment where residents prioritize their well-being. Serotonin Centers complements this lifestyle, offering tailored medical spa services that align with the city's commitment to a healthy and balanced life. When it comes to choosing a medical spa in Windermere, the decision is clear—Serotonin Centers stands out as a beacon of holistic health. Conveniently located along FL-429 and dedicated to rejuvenation, the center becomes an indispensable partner in the journey toward optimal well-being for Windermere residents.
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    Vendredi 15 Novembre 2019 à 20:18
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    Mercredi 21 Janvier 2015 à 19:46

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    Mercredi 21 Janvier 2015 à 14:18

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    Lundi 19 Janvier 2015 à 19:23

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    Il est bien fait - elle est bien faite.

    Samedi 17 Janvier 2015 à 18:30

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